Friday, June 27, 2014

One Bad Mother Interview

I did an interview with Biz and Theresa at One Bad Mother this week. I admit I'm a little disturbed that I was featured on a show called, "Let's Get Pregnant Again." I'm pretty sure I sounded like an idiot during the interview, but these girls are hilarious so you should listen to it! Just click the link to go listen to the interview. Here's a description of this week's show -

Biz and Theresa want to know why, after all the misery of pregnancy and all the lack of sleep of life with a newborn, we would even think of having another baby. Where does that urge come from? Let’s kill it when we find out. Plus, Theresa compliments her partner and Biz realizes there are no voices in her head except her own. We are joined by author and blogger Dawn Meehan, who is a single mom with six kids!

ONE BAD MOTHER: Ep. 61: Let's Get Pregnant Again with Guest Dawn Meehan

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