Wednesday, June 10, 2015

11 Things You MUST Know Before Dating A Woman Fluent In Sarcasm

Sarcastic women aren't THAT funny. Just kidding, we totally are. (That was sarcasm.)
I've been told I'm sarcastic, but I just call it an intolerance for stupidity. Most of my friends appreciate my quick wit even if it can be snarky at times.
Now and then, I run across someone who doesn't get my humor. I had a date with a guy I'd met on an online dating site last week. We started talking and he asked, "How many kids do you have?" I responded, "I have 6. Yeah, it seemed like a good idea at the time."
The waiter stopped by to take our order and my date asked me, "Do you drink?" I answered with, "Did you not hear the part about 6 kids?" He continued to stare, solemn-faced, waiting for me to answer him. I knew right then that there was no chance of a relationship with this guy.
Not everyone can appreciate the utter brilliance of a sarcastic person. Not everyone "gets it." Not everyone can handle dating someone with a sarcastic sense of humor. Can you?
Here are 11 things you need to know before embarking on a relationship with someone whose primary mode of communication is sarcasm.

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