Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Gillette's New Subscription Service - One Less Thing for your College Student to Worry About

First off, let me preface this by saying that I do love my college-aged son. I think he has a lot of great qualities. He's creative and artistic, he's sensitive, and he can be very dedicated and persistent when the task at hand is something about which he's passionate. However, he's also, ummm, how to put this nicely . . . well, he can be irresponsible, lazy, aloof, and did I mention irresponsible? I keep telling myself that he's a boy and boys sometimes take a while to mature. (Thinking of a few grown men I know, I believe some of them never quite get there!) Eventually he'll learn to pay his bills on time, and pick his laundry up off the floor and wash it before he's down to a single clean sock, a bathing suit, and a pair of jeans that are 2 sizes too small, yet remain in his closet for some reason. At some point, it'll sink in that work comes before play, right? Right?

I know he'll learn this stuff and he'll grow to be a mature, responsible member of society. (If not, I'll work out an apology to his future wife for my egregious parenting failure.) And I know he's not the only boy going to college and causing his parents a little worry. It's hard to let go and let them learn these lessons on their own. I think as parents we naturally want to help them out however we can. We make sure they have everything they need as they head off to school. But as the econo-box of Ramen runs out, will they eat? When they run out of shampoo, will they buy more or just go with the dreadlock look? How about razor blades? Will they keep shaving with the same, dull blade they left home with, or will they return to you for Christmas vacation looking like one of the Duck Dynasty guys?

Well, Gillette has made that one task much easier. Gillette now offers a blade refill subscription service! It's a practical, hassle-free option that delivers Gillette’s blades directly to your door (or your son's dorm.) And, Gillette’s best blades are more affordable than you might think—only about $1 a week. How cool is that? Now, if everything our sons use offered a subscription service it would be amazing. Or if we parents could send Howlers (those talking messages from Harry Potter) to remind our kids to take care of themselves, that would be even better! Alas, we're left to let our sons out into the world on their own, hoping they remember the lessons we've taught them, giving them the freedom to make mistakes, and trusting they'll be okay. Still, for a $1 a week, we can assure they have one less thing to worry about! And The Gillette Fusion ProGlide with FlexBall Technology is the first razor of its kind, with a new handle that adjusts and pivots to respond to the contours of a man’s face for fewer missed hairs. If your son uses the ProGlide already, those same blades fit the new ProGlide FlexBall which is pretty cool! How often does it work that way, right? Never. Usually when a product is updated and improved, it renders all components of the product useless, forcing you to buy new ones.

Do you have any other tips to make life a little easier for your college student? Share them here!

Compensation was provided by Gillette via MomTrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Gillette or MomTrends. 

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