Monday, February 10, 2014

Join Margaret at KitchenChat for a Chance to Win!

Grandma, in her clean apron, stands at the stove, stirring a boiling pot, its fragrance fills the kitchen, its steam fogs up the windows. Her daughter pours chilled white wine, the crisp, clear liquid swirling into goblets while she tosses her head back and laughs loudly at the story her brother is telling about the time they shaved the dog when they were 6 and 7 years old. Daughter-in-law sets the table, balancing plates while dancing around the kids darting into the kitchen, chasing each other around the island, and sneaking olives from the relish tray on the counter. Grandpa comes in holding a picture of the shaved dog that he's just pulled out of an old photo album, which triggers another round of laughter. Warm, bread fresh-from-the-oven is set on the table and Grandma calls out that dinner is ready.

My favorite room in any house is the kitchen. It's not because I love to cook (believe me, I don't.) It's because the kitchen is where everyone gathers, where memories are made and relived, and where everyone enjoys each other's company while sharing a meal. That's what my friend Margaret McSweeney's KitchenChat Radio Show is all about. As she says, "Everything always happens in the kitchen." If you don't know Margaret, let me introduce her. She's one of those amazing people who has the ability to put a smile on the face of everyone she meets. She's the kind of person I aspire to be, but alas, people mostly just tick me off. On the other hand, I don't believe I've ever seen Margaret without a smile on her face. Ever. Don't get me wrong; she's not one of those annoyingly happy people you just want to smack. She's just one of those genuine people who everyone loves to be around.

(Here I am with Margaret at Disney's Epcot for the Food and Wine Festival. We had so much fun eating and drinking, sampling all sorts of deliciousness, around the world.)

Margaret insists she's the world's worst home chef. (I've seen the scars from her Thanksgiving mishap a couple years ago!) But that's why she thinks KitchenChat is so much fun. "It's all about food and bringing the best to your kitchen. The chefs know I'm clueless in the kitchen so they're super-patient when I ask questions about stuff like ingredients I can't pronounce! I want to make the culinary experience accessible and non-intimidating for everyone."

On KitchenChat, Margaret talks to famous chefsYou can download her FREE podcasts on iTunes or head over to KitchenChat where you can listen to the podcasts, read her blog posts, and drool over the pictures of delicious food! With titles like these (and many more), you can't go wrong!

Disney Executive Chef Brings Mickey’s Magic to Your Kitchen
Dana Goodyear and Anything That Moves
Cooking Light Magazine, Editor Scott Mowbray
A Chocolate Feast with Eric Lanlard
Robicelli’s: A Love Story, with Cupcakes: And 50 Decidedly Grownup Recipes
At The Family Table with Chef Michael Romano
Truffles and Tribulations – Chef Norman Van Aken’s Culinary Fusion: James Beard and Jimmy Buffett

In fact, you've got to check out her latest experience at Le Cordon Bleu with Chef Suzy Singh. (This one was especially fun for me to see because my son, Austin attends Le Cordon Bleu and loves it!) The event was hosted by NOW foods to showcase their organic and gluten-free product line. If you head over to Margaret's KitchenChat blog and leave a comment, you'll automatically be entered in a fabulous give-away with a bunch of great products from NOW Foods!

Please check out her website! You'll be happy you did!

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